Our goal is to save all of our clients from high credit card processing fees and tricky contracts. We love when clients trust us to get them paid and nothing is better than hearing about money going back into the pockets of their businesses.
But don't take it from us. Read more about how Halo Payments became the merchant processor of choice for our clients - and then recommended us to their family and friends too.
Liquor Store Success Story
"Halo payments made it so easy for us to switch merchant processors.
When we found out we were paying nearly 7% in credit card processing rates, we couldn't believe how much of our money every month was going down the drain.
Luckily, we were referred to Halo Payments by another liquor store owner. They took care of everything and we cut our processing rates and have saved nearly $500 a month since!"
Bakery Store Success Story
"Our bakery was using a POS system we loved, but we had no idea that it's in house credit card processing was charging us so much every month.
When we noticed how much we paid, we wanted lower rates but we didn't know it was possible to use a different credit card processor than what our POS already offered.
We found Halo payments online and submitted our statement to get a custom savings plan. We got a fast response and loved the savings we saw on the quote.
Halo payments walked us through a plan to use their services and made it so easy to switch over!"
Franchise Business Success Story
"I run multiple businesses in a franchise and it felt too complicated to change anything about our mode of operation. I knew I was paying too much in fees but it felt like more of a headache to tackle anything new.
I was referred to Halo Payments and was hesitant, but they really met me where I was at. I told them my reservations and complications, but they were still able to help me.
We started with one business and when I saw how simple that was, we moved the rest over. Now when I see how much I saved, I wish I did it sooner"
Credit card processing through in store terminals.
Accept payments on your website or e-commerce store.
On the Phone
Accept mobile and e-wallet payments.
On the Go
Accept payments through your POS for online ordering.
We know that untangling your credit card processing fees can be both stressful and confusing. Get started today on your simplified, and cost effective merchant service plan.
Support: support@halopayments.com
Email: sales@halopayments.com
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